6 %s\n\nInvalid directory.\nPlease specify other directory.
7 %s\n\nCannot create the folder.\nPlease check if the folder name is correct.
8 %s\n\nFolder not exist.\nDo you want to create it?
9 %s\nUnexpected error occurred during copying above file.\nYou should copy this file manually.\nIf the problem persists, please contact the author at\nsupport@editplus.com\n\nDo you want to continue setup?
11 EditPlus 3
12 ES-Computing
13 EditPlus 3
15 Unexpected error occurred.\nCannot create program group.
16 This version does not run on Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000.\nThis version requires Windows XP or higher.\nCannot continue setup.
20102 Setup will overwrite existing files.\nConfiguration files will be backup into 'old files' subdirectory.\nDo you want to continue?
20103 Close all instances of EditPlus before you run setup.\nCannot continue setup.
20104 One or more instances of EditPlus are currently running.\nYou should close all instances of EditPlus before you continue setup.\n\nDo you want to retry?